Friday, 16 May 2014

A Visit To Middle School

Today from 10:45 am to 1:00 pm, our class visited the middle schoolers and learned about middle school and ate lunch with them. At 10:45 am after Mandarin class, we all went to the middle school multi purpose room which is right next to our room, and Mr. Walsh(the middle school principal) gave us a presentation about middle school, what we have to bring to school, what the schedules are, when we have assembly, etc. He also had questions for us to answer and when he threw a soft red ball to a person, that person had to tell his/her name to Mr. Walsh and then answer the question. The presentation lasted about 30 minutes and I learned a lot from it. Few of the things I learned are that I don’t need a computer for 6th grade because a lot of 6th graders lose or drop them, the assembly is held on Monday, and that we only meet our homeroom teacher for about 10 minutes each day.

After Mr. Walsh’s presentation, we got paired up with a 6th grade class. Our class got paired up with 6ii. Then we chose groups of 3 or 4. In my group, there were Yurika, Mika, Min Joo(6th grader/my friend) and me. Min Joo got a sheet of paper from her teacher, Mr. Williams. The paper was an activity, and we had to fill up the whole sheet, front and back, with countries that our group members and other group members have been to/lived in. I wrote Korea, Indonesia and Singapore, and Yurika wrote about 12 countries! We did this activity when we were eating our lunch. We ate our lunch with middle schoolers at 11:35 am and lunch time ended at 12:00 pm. When we were heading up to classes with our paired up 6th graders, the elementary school’s lunch started and the 3rd and 4th graders were coming down to the canteen to start their lunch time.

Upstairs, the 6th graders showed us their 4 minute presentations. There were 5 groups of 6th graders, each of their topics different from the other groups. Our class rotated clockwise to the next presentation every 4 minutes, and after the 20 minutes of presentations, we had learned almost all about middle school life. Their presentations were really informative and good, and they were very kind to us.
We, 5DC, went back to our class at 1:00 pm. Mr. Chan didn’t know anything about what we did with the middle schoolers, what fun time we had.

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