Saturday, 26 April 2014

Yurika Blogs about Cubic Inches

This week, I made a 1 inch cube out of white, scrap paper. It was easier than I expected but fun as I thought. I enjoyed so much making the cube. What I did know was that it would be fun. But what I didn’t know was that 1 inch is bigger than 1 cm. I was very surprised when I knew that. 1 inch was bigger than I thought so it was way easier than I thought it would be. I also tried to make 1 mm cube, but it was really tiny so I’m not done yet and not sure if I can make it. I hope I can but sticking part is so hard. And it’s so small, it’s on my desk right now but the cleaner might have thrown it away, hopefully not. If it’s still there, I would like to continue trying to make 1 mm next week.

By Yurika Wada

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